Monday, June 25, 2012

Just posted my new video of the week on my youtube channel! The inverted sit-up! This is a fantastic core workout that will also work out your entire body. Try it and you will love it! If you have hardwood floors, use paper towels, or something else to let your feet slide, and if you have carpet I find that paper plates work great.
Here are some do's and don'ts as well as other variations! Enjoy.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Avoiding injury

When you get the bug to get fit be honest what do you do your very first time in the gym? Do you focus on one area of your body that you want to work on the most and do your max amount of weight with every exercise you do until you feel like complete jello and have to drag yourself out to your car hoping you will be able to push on the breaks? Or do you find a few machines you know so you do the same routine with same weight in the same order?

Tell me how do you feel for the next following days? Like you were hit by a truck? Then what do you do? Limp around regretting going to the gym and pushing yourself that hard and for the next week you fight with yourself to go back? Or do you feel like you are not progressing but you feel a little tired after your workout but not sore the next day?

Well here is a little tip for you to keep yourself in the gym working out 5 days a week right at the start. DO NOT WORK ON YOUR MAX STRENGTH!!!! DO NOT DO THE SAME THING EVERY TIME! Doing the same routine can actually cause damage to your body because you are only working certain muscles which will cause muscle imbalance which WILL lead to injury.

First step to creating a strong muscular foundation from the inside out is to start with your stabilization muscles. That's right exercises such as a simple single leg squat or squats on a bosu is all you need right at the start. It will give you the right amount of soreness so you can continue to go to the gym without overworking an area which WILL lead to injury. Also be sure to switch up your workouts every time you are in the gym. You body will adapt so keep it guessing.

Any time you overdo anything your body will tell you by sending signals either dull or achy pain or a sharp pain that shoots down certain areas of your body. You should NEVER feel this and if you do STOP!!! You are not being a wuss you are being smart by saving yourself from therapy and the long frustrating and excruciating stages of healing.

If you do have any injury, baby it and do not push past your limit. Work on the underlying stabilization muscles that will help give the injured joints, ligaments, or tendons  a little more support so they may start the healing process. Once you feel strong as far as balance is concerned then work on minimal strength by increasing reps and keeping weights light. Once this is complete gradually add more weight and less reps to increase muscle mass and strength. 

This is a full proof plan to keep your body safe while progressing through higher levels of training. Your body is far more aware of what is happening than you are so listen to the signals it is telling you. If you feel anything but muscle burning stop exercise immediately and assess the problem. Check your body alignment and weight distribution.  Check to see if you are dropping down to low or raising shoulders to the ears during specific exercises. 

If you have proper alignment and cannot see anything wrong then my friend it is probably time to drag yourself into a doctor, there may be severe damage that is creating muscle imbalance and minimizing your mobility.

Lastly, invest in a foam roll and roll and stretch every single day. Flexibility helps reduce injury from those oopsie moments like slipping on ice or rolling your ankle. Loose muscles and ligaments along with strong stabilizing muscle will help your reaction time and will help you avoid most disasters. :D

Stay happy and healthy!!! :D

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I have been working out hard and doing my best to balance my life, which I have to say is sometimes extremely difficult! With work and kids and trying to get back in shape it can be a real challenge. But I have a goal set and I hope you do too. Together we can help each other to reach our goals and feel better about ourselves. Let me know what you struggle with, because chances are it is something that we all have troubles with.
Well, here they are... week 5 of my candid progress photos!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sorry it's a bit late, but here are the "Good Form" Bad Form" pictures for the Wedge Hold Variation!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

4 Week Progress Recap

Well... it's a few days late but here is a recap of my progression over the last 4 weeks!
Check out the pictures and let me know what you think.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Setting Goals

This past week was a crazy busy one for me. Not only am I in the middle of trying to completely demolish my ceilings to make way for an amazing aerial program, but come to find out my space is not up to code for an individual leaser. SOOOOOOO I will be negotiating for the space next door and then rebidding for the ceilings. As if that isn't enough to kill my progress, my husband and I moved our family into a new house YAY but UGH!!!! Moving and demolition definitely threw me off track. Eating habits were not where they were supposed to be and I only got in 3 out of the 5 workouts I had planned for the week.

What happened?!!!

I DID NOT set goals for that week which I should have. If you are always prepared for those busy times you won't have to stress out about not getting in your workouts and nutrition.

What goals should you set?

My husband came to me recently and told me that in order for him to succeed as the FIRST EVER fully tattooed body builder to receive his pro card, I will have to do the meal plan with him. How does this affect my goals? Well Those of you that know me know that I HATE the bodybuilder diet. I LOVE to eat and having to tell myself NO is not an easy thing for me to do. I am going to have to really set some realistic goals for myself to accomplish this.

First goal I have is to write this blog and tell you all that along side my husband I am going to compete in the Las Vegas Body Building show in November. I figure if I am eating that way I may as well do something with it.

There you have it goal number 1 complete. Now I am accountable.

Short Term Goals:
Goal 2: Write down a list of everything I am going to be eating for the next 4 weeks meal by meal.

Goal 3: Purchase food and cook meal for my first week of clean eating

Goal 4: Write down a schedule for workouts starting with just 5 days a week. Adding in Cardio gradually.

Long Term Goal:
Compete in the bikini division of the Las Vegas Body Building show in November. 5 months away.

You will NEVER get close to your long term goal if you do not give yourself short term REALISTIC goals first. Hey if you even get close to your long term goal you know you are doing AMAZING!!!! Give yourself a goal to reach for something you never thought you could do and you will be a better person as you get closer to that goal with or without success in completing it in the amount of time you thought.

Keep reaching for the stars and soak in every experience and achievement on the way. This will bring you success regardless of the outcome.

I want to hear all of your goals. You are all accountable for me let me do the same for you and help you in any way I can to reach the finish line of your Long term goal.