Friday, August 31, 2012

Where to go from here?

Once again I am in a rut. For those of you that know me know how passionate I am about what I do and my creation The JW Method. Broken down it is simply my way of training people with very unique exercises.

I feel as though I am stuck half way between the pole world and the fitness world. People in the pole industry are mostly into the Pole Dancing and The JW Method is far from, and people in the fitness world still hold that stupid stigma with anything related to pole. So what do I do?

I have been in the business of pole fitness for about 8 years now and feel as though I could compete with some of the top names, however I HATE COMPETING!!!! It takes all the feeling out of my performance because I feel as though I have to be perfect. That and I HATE routines freestyle is definitely the way to go when expressing yourself and your feeling. Over the past 8 years my program started to develop because of my main focus, my clients. Not very many people stick with pole dancing once they have tried it. Out of a group of 20 I bet only 5 would stay for a few classes and would keep decreasing as the classes advanced.

This program keeps about 15 out of the 20 and they stay until they are in such good shape they feel they have changed their lifestyle to the point of where they can do it on their own, or good old life hits them and they are counting down the days until they can come back. This is why I freaking push so dang hard to keep this program alive. If it was just another fad program that was fun to do for a little while and people got sick of it then well it was a good run. But no! Every single freaking day someone tells me how my program changed their life, whether it was to improve their fitness and body image, or improve on injuries (previous or occurring), or the friendship they get and support they are given not only by our instructors but by their peers. Sure yeah let's just give up on that. Seeing as how it is EVERYONE that tries the program for more than 2 weeks that says this. UGH!

So yet again I have hit wall after wall trying to get people to understand what it is that I do. No I don't prance around a pole and yes it is a hard core workout that you need to hold onto a pole so you don't fall on your arse. I am at the end of my rope and feel like dropping into my little dark hole and just focusing on my studio and the amazing people that keep us alive.


I can't. The stubborn ass in me says that I have something amazing and if I don't keep pushing through all of this crapola then someone else will figure out my system and BAM!!!!! Instant fame! I can't let that happen. So plan of attack.

1. keep working toward my goal of Las Vegas Competition (Although my hubby says I probably shouldn't go through the whole process with the meal plan and such so we can save our marriage ha ha)

2. Film these much awaited workout videos for purchase so you ALL can see how SPECTACULAR my program is and how simple it is to stick with.

3. Keep emailing every big name fitness/tv personality/pole industry people I can until someone FINALLY cuts me a break. (there is only so much a broke b**** with dreams can do)

4. Keep my chin up by soaking in every single positive feedback and life changing story I can (So ladies bring them on!!!)

5. Nag every single one of you that have been affected by the JW Method to HELP ME!!!!! Ha Ha :D

I couldn't do any of this without the love and support of all of my amazing women and I owe you everything!



Monday, August 20, 2012

Instant Gratification vs. True Accomplishment

How many times have you wanted something so bad it had to be that instant? Once that instant passes and you have time to think about what it is you REALLY wanted and the feeling of lust blows away just as fast as it hit you. Here is a little trick to help change your mindset on what it is that will keep that feeling with you for as long as you want it.

Put yourself in this situation:

When it comes to eating most of us are instantly satisfied with the good old comfort food. Let's talk about a big piece of fruit tart. I am sure there are many other foods that come to mind but this to me is a mouth watering fat filled treat, and even though there is fruit there is also tons of sugar and other nums that counter act this "healthy" dessert.

You have two options. You can go down to a bakery that you know has the BEST fruit tart you have ever tasted. Purchase it with your hard earned money and take it home to make a the perfect ending to whatever dinner you will be eating that night. Picture a group that you are bringing it to. They will all be so delighted to see this beautiful treat they will soon be completely involved with, but only for a few minutes and then it will be gone. So the time it took you to drive down to the bakery, let's say 30 minutes down and back, the dinner 45 minutes, and the presentation and consumption of your gift to your group 20 min. So all in all you had about an hour and a half of pure bliss, but then it's gone.

Second option, you make the dessert yourself. Planning out the ingredients needed 20 minutes, Driving to and from the grocery store 20 minutes, gathering all the ingredients 45 minutes, slicing and dicing, mixing and kneeding 25 hours (crust needs a full 24 hours in the fridge) At the end of this all you bake the crust that you have waited to patiently for 30 min, afterwards you slather on the delicious fatty cream cheese that sits under the gourmet fruit you have perfectly prepared. You carefully plan out your design and color scheme to how the fruit will present itself. Your creation is complete. I don't need to add up the time for you to know this takes quite a bit longer. You go through the steps to get to your presentation and when you do it is a completely different feeling of accomplishment and pride. Your guests ask if you made this exquisite gift and you say YES!!! Immediately you are praised for your hard work and creativity. You are on a natural high for the rest of the evening and ready to do it again because of the outcome.

Same thing goes for yourself. The more time and effort you put into sculpting the perfect creation that is YOU the longer the satisfaction and natural high last. Do not rely on these fad diets that last only a moment because the accomplishment felt is minimal compared to when people ask "how did you do it?" and you can say it wasn't easy, it took hard work and a lot of time, but the satisfaction felt when it was all done was the absolute best feeling you will ever experience. Self service is often looked over but you are worth it take time to better yourself whatever that may be and positivity, motivation, and self satisfaction will naturally follow.

Now go do it!!!! When you are done reward yourself with a tiny treat and you will have a nice balance of physical and mental bliss :D

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back on the Band wagon

What an interesting last few months this has been for me. I last left off with goal making and how to accomplish your long term by making a few short term.

That being said. A few more short term goals hit me in the process of completing my long term of the Vegas comp in November.

1. Breathe
2. Change ways of thinking
3. Talk

I was hit with Post Pardum Depression about mid June 2012. The feelings and thoughts I had were enough to knock my on my butt and destroy all short term goals I had at the moment. I don't believe in taking medications unless absolutely necessary. I still had the thoughts that if I could get through such a dark time that I would come out better for it if I could learn how to conquer myself without assistance from drugs. So first I learned how to breathe. Sounds easy right? It's something you do your entire life. Well when you are in this way of thinking (PPD) if feels as though you have all the weight of the world crushing your chest and suffocating you.

So I learned how to take long, slow, and deep breathes concentrating more on this than what was keeping my breathes shallow and short.

My way of thinking was nothing short of crazy and irrational. Thoughts of hurting myself and my baby constantly entered my mind until it came to the point of it was either him or me. I had to release this feeling somehow so I chose me and scratched in just enough to bleed. The burning sensation immediately calmed the crazy and I felt it was safe to care for my baby.

After I had gotten to this point it was obvious I needed help. I posted my concerns on FB and many of my good friends and family gave me tips on what to do. I never saw a professional for my needs but I did download Brooke Shields book through my itouch. This helped a lot knowing I wasn't the only completely crazy person out there.

I spilled my every thoughts to my husband who is completely against calling it Post Pardum Depression because it was a way of thinking. If I rationalized my thought pattern and found a way to force a change in the way I was thinking that it would become easier for me to bring myself from this dark place. He has had to deal with so many similar situations and has fought his way into being a strong and amazing person because of it.

So I changed my way of thinking. Every time I had those feelings of short breath and violence I changed my breathing and thought about everything I have going for me.

An incredible family most people with kill to have
A husband everyone searches for but never finds
Endless support from so many people that love me
2 Healthy children. Sure they cry but what kid doesn't. If I can't deal with crying how could I deal with a child with Down's or some other life altering syndrome.
A business to release all of my stress and to refresh
A home and everything I ask for

This is just to name a few. If it came down to it and I had to list everyone in my mind that loves and cares for me. By the time I was 1/4 of the way through I would start to think positively.

Talking to people about these feelings was extremely difficult but I felt that as I expressed them outloud I was able to rationalize and see how crazy I was.

I am feeling completely back to normal now and I am ready to get back on the band wagon with all the other goals I had. Even though I was not working out as hard as I would have liked and my eating went to crap because comfort food or no food was the only thing I had in mind I still did what I could. Just by doing that I have now gotten back to the point of working out hard and loving it and craving all healthy food again.

I'm back baby and only 12 weeks to go until the comp.:D

6 month pictures

Baby Rykr was born Feb 1st 2012 and these photos were taken Aug 6th 2012 :)