Sunday, June 3, 2012

Setting Goals

This past week was a crazy busy one for me. Not only am I in the middle of trying to completely demolish my ceilings to make way for an amazing aerial program, but come to find out my space is not up to code for an individual leaser. SOOOOOOO I will be negotiating for the space next door and then rebidding for the ceilings. As if that isn't enough to kill my progress, my husband and I moved our family into a new house YAY but UGH!!!! Moving and demolition definitely threw me off track. Eating habits were not where they were supposed to be and I only got in 3 out of the 5 workouts I had planned for the week.

What happened?!!!

I DID NOT set goals for that week which I should have. If you are always prepared for those busy times you won't have to stress out about not getting in your workouts and nutrition.

What goals should you set?

My husband came to me recently and told me that in order for him to succeed as the FIRST EVER fully tattooed body builder to receive his pro card, I will have to do the meal plan with him. How does this affect my goals? Well Those of you that know me know that I HATE the bodybuilder diet. I LOVE to eat and having to tell myself NO is not an easy thing for me to do. I am going to have to really set some realistic goals for myself to accomplish this.

First goal I have is to write this blog and tell you all that along side my husband I am going to compete in the Las Vegas Body Building show in November. I figure if I am eating that way I may as well do something with it.

There you have it goal number 1 complete. Now I am accountable.

Short Term Goals:
Goal 2: Write down a list of everything I am going to be eating for the next 4 weeks meal by meal.

Goal 3: Purchase food and cook meal for my first week of clean eating

Goal 4: Write down a schedule for workouts starting with just 5 days a week. Adding in Cardio gradually.

Long Term Goal:
Compete in the bikini division of the Las Vegas Body Building show in November. 5 months away.

You will NEVER get close to your long term goal if you do not give yourself short term REALISTIC goals first. Hey if you even get close to your long term goal you know you are doing AMAZING!!!! Give yourself a goal to reach for something you never thought you could do and you will be a better person as you get closer to that goal with or without success in completing it in the amount of time you thought.

Keep reaching for the stars and soak in every experience and achievement on the way. This will bring you success regardless of the outcome.

I want to hear all of your goals. You are all accountable for me let me do the same for you and help you in any way I can to reach the finish line of your Long term goal.

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